As far as I'm aware of, Direnv's behavior is not hidden at all. Whenever you cd into the directory, you get a message listing all the new en var activated. And when you change the .envrc, you get another message saying that direnv has been deactivated. I never had happen to me "oh shoot !! I forgot this env var was activated because I'm in this dir".
Well basically, you cd in the shell, and then it shows:
"direnv: loading ~/dev/foo/.envrc
direnv: export +DATABASE_URL"
Is this "implicit" to you ? Because to me it's pretty explicit. But yeah it's automatic, if you don't want this behavior, you don't install direnv. Just to be clear, implicit is "suggested but not communicated directly", and to me, this is communicated directly, so I don't see why it would be implicit...
If you use direnv you always know your environment is loaded (assuming you've formed the script properly and allowed direnv to run it). And that's what you want. It's a way to keep your workspaces distinct in the terminal environment. You set what you need to set to be able to do what you need to do from any particular directory.
Not always. I can think of a scenario where I have an env I need to load for some infrastructure stuff, and I may call some commands in a directory that has another .env that's part of what I'm trying to deploy. Generally this scenario is short lived as I'm quickly moving infra commands to automated ci/cd, but I've definitely been in this scenario more than once.
Got it! I think nested envs become confusing really quickly, so there it is indeed better to do it explicitly.
My assumption overall in this is that most people have just one .env per project (or perhaps in sub-folders per environment, e.g prod, staging, local), but these don't nest. With nested .env files, the mental overhead they bring remove (IMO) most of the benefits, if not more.
It’s the same as forgetting you put something in your .profile or .bashrc, no?
In any case, both forgetting the env config and using the same shell for days in a row seem like two things that probably don’t coincide too often.