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$10k/yr on a car is not incredibly high


Did you just link a high end SUV as proof?

It's not far off. The average new car transaction price is now $47K. I can't understand how so many people are able to afford such expensive cars but somehow they're making it work.


It comes to buy price minus sell price. People buying 47k cars are not driving them to ground or totally writing off them outside rare cases. Not that it is not still significant sum of money, but there is also large second hand market involved.

Not just that but 47 is the average for a new car. Average used is 27. From a cursory look 70% of cars are bought used.

So the actual average purchase price is closer to 34.

"incredibly high". This means finding an amount that high strains believability. I don't own one but I see X3s every time I commute to work. Obviously I see far more expensive cars too but I wanted to keep it somewhat reasonable.

Yes it does strain believability because it’s far off reality.

The average purchase price for a car is about $33.5k in the US. That BMW starts at 47.

Yes, 10k/yr is higher than average but it is not impossible and it isn't unheard of. It's believable.

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