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I am a loner/socially awkward and used to run a bit before 2020. Then in 2020, since we were confined I used to run close to my house. I used to see a bunch of folks regularly running but was apprehensive about approaching them. One day one of them said Hi and now I am thankful and happy to be part of that group. There are still periods when I like to run alone and avoid the group but they welcome me whenever I am ready. I am a lot happier since joining this group. More people have joined this group in last two and a half years and am good friends with some of them. I am not sure but I think the group has helped some of them with their loneliness like me. There is some sense of satisfaction when you improve your timing but a bigger source of satisfaction is when you are helping others with their running or just spending time with them. I was lucky to be found by the group and sometimes I wish we can find more people who would be interested even a little bit but are apprehensive like I was/am.

YES! Wonderful!

Two things you mention that are powerful:

1. Keep it really simple. Just show up. You don’t have to solve what happens next, or make a perfect first impression, or be a perfect person. Give yourself the same grace you would others.

2. The gratitude you feel for having found the group. Imagine how the others you’ve helped feel having found the group.

A great story—thank you for sharing.

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