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Oh go switch to Android. Until very recently, iOS had a minority share of the market and still does worldwide. It’s in no way comparable to Microsoft 25 years ago which then had an overwhelming market position. Were you one of those guys who spelled Microsoft with a ‘$’ btw?

Neither platform is great at everything really, but being able to use ACTUAL firefox on an android phone is pretty sweet. I can use ublock origin, get firefox bookmark syncing which works with EVERY SINGLE device and computer I own! It's awesome. I love it. It also works better with 'request desktop website'.

Likewise, automatic photo syncing with onedrive works better on android than it does on iOS (although this may be a configuration thing).

But when it comes to smartwatches, I do really like my Apple Watch. The problem is, Apple Watches only work with Apple iPhones. And Apple iPhones only work really well with Apple Watches because Apple doesn't allow anyone else to do half the things that Apple iOS can do with Apple Watches. And frankly, none of those things that Apple does as "vertical integration" are special or unique - it's just obnoxious vendor lock-in. They could have made a good smartwatch API and vetted smartwatch vendors the same way they vet apps. But no. We get Apple Watches or a shit experience on 3rd party watches.

The "don't like it? buy something else" attitude is obnoxious as hell. Apple could do better with iOS (and with their Macs). I don't know why some people can't accept that.

If your only intention is to ignore reality and the DOJ lawsuit, and Apple's many anti-competitive abuses, then this conversation is over.

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