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Yes, I'm aware of MKULTRA. Everyone is aware of MKULTRA.

But the Department of Defense investigating this phenomenon is the only basis the UFO community has for considering any of the UAP/UFO stuff credible. It's why they trust David Grusch, because, as they claim, no one would just go in front of Congress and tell lies (or in Grusch's case, because he has no actual firsthand knowledge of anything, repeat someone else's lies.)

You can't have it both ways. You can't say this is real because the government is looking into it, and that the government can't be trusted with its findings.

The government/DoD isn't a single entity. Especially when it comes to waived, bigoted special access programs where only a handful of people will even know the programs exist. So just because one person says "oh we don't have any evidence of these programs" doesn't mean they actually know. It just means they haven't been read in.

Here is one good example. The current pentagon DoD UAP office AARO released a report [https://media.defense.gov/2024/Mar/08/2003409233/-1/-1/0/DOP...] saying they found no credible evidence of the reverse engineering programs. But when the office of the Director of National Intelligence was asked about it, they said they could not endorse the findings of the report https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/top-intelligence-office...

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