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Carter is straight up the best president we’ve had since FDR and yes I will die on that hill, specifically I will die on the hill which says that Carter was way better than JFK.

Carter is straight up the best individual person we have elected in 100+ years. Glad to see at least HN agrees that he was based.

Now that you mention it, Carter onward, it seems like every Republican was wealthy and Democrat fairly middle class. Carter and Clinton were famously not rich during their presidencies. Biden was little known that he was one of the "poorest" in the Senate.

Meanwhile, Reagan was wealthy, the Bushes were oil wealth, Romney was a very wealthy Bain founder and CEO, and Trump obviously.

Funny considering I think FDR was one of the worst presidents we've had. Among the unconstitutional Wagner Act, social security, he also created far too many useless public jobs.

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