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Can’t really see the appeal of watching robots race each other, the post season Netflix series would be rather dull.

This is a fun way to imagine how it might go:


I personally found that quite boring after the first 6 seconds, but of course I don't speak for anyone other than myself so maybe I'll soon be the only person in the world who doesn't find that remotely interesting as a spectator sport?

Part of the reason why micromouse is fascinating is not necessarily the "play-by-play" action, but rather the technological and mechanical skill that goes into running them so successfully - sort of like F1 being more engineering-focused than other forms of racing

From what I understand, F1 is about "emphasizing the importance of driver talent and creating a level playing field", hence the ban of tech like traction control. As an engineer, I'd love to see what the technology could do if unleashed. However, it's probably expensive and I doubt will catch the interest of anyone but uberNerds like me.

> F1 is about "emphasizing the importance of driver talent and creating a level playing field"

Someone should tell Max and Red Bull about this :P

Yes. Micromouse was exactly what I was thinking of.

Did you consider what will happen once we have this working and we add nitro boost, random wrecking balls, surprise ice segments, collapsable terrain and guns?

Yeah, Robot Wars was pretty popular so I don't see why something with 10x more action wouldn't be as well.

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