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I predict you're gonna get a lot of flak for your comment, but this is something I've started feeling myself in South Florida, where I grew up. We started noticing more and more homes in our neighborhood without permanent residents -- almost every new neighbor we get is a renter who's there for 6 months to a year, and then leaves. Or, we end up finding out that a home on the block is actually an AirBnB that is empty for weeks at a time. The cohesion of a neighborhood where you meet and know your neighbors that I had as a kid is mostly gone.

Not to mention the housing prices down here have skyrocketed with a bunch of wealthy folks from up north moving down, buying up real estate, turning them into VRBOs or their summer homes. Meanwhile, a friend of mine who graduated with CompSci from a state university is being offered peanuts by companies down here; he can barely afford to rent an apartment.

Anyways, I know this is kinda the norm in places like NYC, so I don't want to sound like a crybaby. Maybe city enshittification is just normal in the US. But my observations have turned me off from real estate investment, which was something I was considering last year.

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