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> Nobody provides SMS levels of interop on unrestricted internet messaging platforms because the experience sucks.

Maybe Apple should lead the charge on that, or instead they'll be forced to use something truly godawful like OMEMO or RCS. I'd prefer they didn't, but it would be pretty funny if they were forced down that path in the long-run. It takes a haughty spirit before the fall.

> Destroying a working, positive experience on the apple platform and dragging it down to 2000s level is the explicit goal for a lot of people.

A more believable motive than being one of the millions of non-Apple customers that are subject to using an inferior messaging standard? Apple made their bed by believing they could proprietate a public resource; now you've got to lie in it because you're their customer. Frankly I (and regulators) could care less what iMessage looks like once it's all done. It's apparently not our platform.

Exactly. Apple has more influence over the cellular industry in America than any single company including the carriers themselves.

They could completely design the spec by themselves with all the pro-consumer features that one could imagine including things like distributed spam filtering and then force the carriers to adopt it either by using the stick (force adoption by X date or lose the iPhone) or the carrot (shift proprietary iMessage features to the new standard so that users demand the carrier adopt it -- basically green bubble any carrier that doesn't use the standard). No other company in the country could do this.

But of course, complete control over a proprietary iMessage protocol that they can lock competitors out of is apart of the business strategy.

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