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Such a bad take, please go back to Reddit where you might be congratulated for garden variety “everyone else is greedy and evil, but I can see through them and speak truth to power”. People here have higher standards on their takes.

If all Apple cared about is making money, would they have spent upwards of 10 Billion+ on an Apple Car only to cancel it later. At its height, Vision Pro R&D cost 2 billion per quarter, yes you read that correctly, almost 25% of their yearly net profits went into development of Vision Pro Alone. Does this sound like gouging the customer to line their executive pockets to you?

If Apple executives had lined their pockets, then why is the top Apple Executive only worth 2 Billion when Apple is worth close to 3 Trillion, that is less than 0.1% of Apple’s valuation. Apple’s top executive does not even make it to the world’s top 100 by wealth. Does that not make you think?

No thanks, I don't want your fake "higher standards".

>Does this sound like gouging the customer to line their executive pockets to you?

Yes, it does, when they lobby to fight against right-to-repair. Yes, it does, when they price gouge the customer on storage upgrades. Yes, it does, when they hide defects in their products and push people to buy new products. Yes, it does, when they use child labor.

“Right to repair” is shallow thinking compared to durability and safety at billion device scale.

“Storage upgrades” are shallow thinking compared to reliable unified memory at GPU speed -- again across a billion devices.

Both of these benefit more consumers more, and more of the device lifetime, than the rarely applicable supposed harms you cite.

repairing increases its lifetime and prevents things from being dumped into landfills. some of the highest selling products are screen protectors, and cell phone cases. Clearly the consumers don’t believe your argument about durability.

They were price gouging even before unified memory so your argument doesn’t really hold water. I am sorry.

Apple is a corporation that exists to make money for its shareholders. It spent $10 billion to develop an Apple Car because it thought it would make a nice ROI by doing so, but failed. Do you think the money was spent altruistically? LOL

Wait you call making a bad bet not caring about money?

I’m so confused, your reasoning is just dumb.

Please explain how putting money into R/D has anything to do with gouging customers?

Is it because companies that tend to be more purely oriented on extracting profits often don’t put money into product R/D? So then therefore companies that do are not price gouging customers?

So how much money a company spends on researching a product suddenly makes that product have any real value? And if that value turns out less than profitable you think the business is basically a charity?

Like yes I’ll gladly go back to Reddit to be rid of this faux expert bullshit y’all got going on.

Only worth 2 billion?

I find it amazing how so many adults are still just children with more numbers.

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