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> This is precisely like the imaging standards trying to replace JPG. After two decades of vendors like Google trying to establish a new standard, I can’t send anything other than an SDR sRGB JPEG to anyone, especially to an Android user.

Android supports WebP since Android 4, HEIF since Android 8 and AVIF since Android 14. They are only missing JPEG XL, but to my knowledge neither iOS nor Windows support that format natively either. Regarding interoperability and support for open formats Android/Google is way ahead of Apple or Microsoft in my experience.

Having a library in the OS and actual interoperability are vastly different things. Not only do most consumer chat apps completely disregard HDR, but even worse, sending HDR images via almost any such channel has a high chance of the colours being mangled or -- at best -- silently converted to 8-bit SDR.

"Ultra HDR is amazing, but can be only viewed as such only on a Pixel phone. If I'm sending a pic to say FB Messenger it doesn't upload as Ultra HDR." https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/17n0fkh/ultra_...

Also, unlike Apple iPhone users, people with Android phones tend to get stuck on older major versions and can't upgrade. Easily half of all Android phones out in the wild can't correctly tone map or display either wide-gamut or HDR still images.

You mentioned Android 4 and 8, but full support for wide-gamut (Display P3 and Rec.2020) was only supported starting with Android 14: https://source.android.com/docs/core/camera/wide-gamut

Android 8.1 was the first version to introduce any display colour management at all, which was in late 2017: https://source.android.com/docs/core/display/color-mgmt

As recently as May 2019, there were Android developers blog articles with titled "Wide Color Photos Are Coming to Android": https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2019/05/wide-color...

Similarly, mixed SDR and HDR content (i.e.: not just a full screen Netflix-style app) was supported only since Android 13: https://source.android.com/docs/core/display/mixed-sdr-hdr

Now you're talking about HDR and general Android criticism.

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