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Something seems missing from your story. They banned you for downloading two apps, or was something else involved? Or you still have no idea why they banned you in the first place? Just curious.

Probably installed fortnite.

I wish that were the case, but I've really just gotten the bare necessities in messaging apps, and called it a day. Didn't have time to set anything up that night.

They didn't tell me what was wrong, as supposedly the support is not allowed to disclose that. All they were repeating is that after a confirmation of which account it is, they will put in an unblock request. It's supposed to send you either a confirmation (which i got the first time), or a denial message. I never got a single one of the latter. A few calls later, the system prohibited putting any new requests in, with no option to override, "supposedly".

Of course there is much missing from his story, these tech corps keep the victims of their incompetence in the dark so not even the victims know the full story.


> They don't spend billions of dollars to get basic things like this wrong.

I'm not sure if you've ever worked in tech, but a good early takeaway is that billions of dollars does not necessarily buy billion-dollar code.

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