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Could someone elaborate on why large TVs don’t make good monitors, and what aspects one should check for when trying to repurpose one?

Some TVs make good monitors, but not all.

The major thing you have to look out for it Chroma Subsampling[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroma_subsampling] - basically many TVs use a lossy colour compression to pack higher resolutions/refreshrates over the same cable. It's not normally noticeable during content like movies, but if you have a lot of fine details (i.e. text) it can cause noticeable colour fringing.

Some TVs (mostly OLEDS) also have unusual sub-pixel layouts, and this reportedly can cause issues with various subpixel rendering schemes for text (once again manifesting as colour fringing). OLEDs also have various measure to counter burn-in that may be annoying on a monitor, like dropping the brightness after a few minutes of innactivity, or shifting the whole image by a few pixels now and again.

The smart features.

On the CU7000D I pulled three wires and I was able to turn off Bluetooth on the fucking thing.

For those about to make the recommendation, I could not make the edit in the factory menu. I use the remote controller code, but Samsung neutered their factory menu options unless the person has full-fledged factory remote.

I understand keeping them off of wifi, but what is the downside of Bluetooth?

Due to the anti-consumer behavior of all mega-corps, presume the worst.

If a person chooses not to connect TV to the internet, how can I know with 100% certainty that data extraction is not occuring over Bluetooth?

Samsung could have a contract with Amazon where Samsung puts Bluetooth readers in all Amazon delivery vehicles to aid in this data retrieval.

It's not that far fetched since Google has mappings of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signal locations.

A TV manufacturer puts in the back door so the pair screen doesn't appear under certain circumstances.

I don't know and I don't have the time to research what the operating system on a TV can all do.

All it does is make another hole in the Swiss cheese model. I don't need a smart TV being the reason why an important account got compromised.

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