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Just use Gemini, or Gopher. Gopher can be read with POSIX netcat+echo+less or gawk. Gemini, with Gawk and OpenSSL:


On chess, telnet/netcat to freechess.org 5000. Use awk+nc or gawk to change the replace the chess pieces into UTF8 if you care.

No JS, No ads, no nothing. A 486 can still play networked chess, lurk at HN or Reddit via gopher://hngopher.com and gopher://gopherddit.com, read news via gopher://magical.fish (and even translate things from English to French or Spanish) play Nethack/Slashem, emulate the GB, play MP2 and MOD files, use IRC, use chat services against bitlbee.org with an IRC client, telnet to SDF and do crazy things with Emacs (from reading novels to comment on Mastodon/IRC and even play IF with Malyon), also, coding in Elisp.

Also, when the Gopher->Gemini bridge gets ready, you will be able to browse UTF8 Gemini and web sites wth just Lynx and a dumb 386 with a relative modernish GNU/Linux, such as a minimal install of Delicate Linux. Add gemini://gemi.dev on top of that and even modern web will be at least article-(text) readable, such as Ars Technica, Wired and The Register. And the bandwidth usage will be good for any user, too. No more data caps with tethered connections, gopher/gemini can be ridiculously small on bw.

With gemini://gemi.dev I could read news far away from a city, near train tunnels. The size of a web page was reduced from near a MB to few KBs.

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