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People develop for other people and markets, not for Apple.

They are still working for Apple indirectly, especially if they sell through the app store.

That's a funny take. I guess Apple is going to pay my sick leave, then? Buy me the hardware I need to do my "work for them"? No? Weird, guess I'm not working for them at all in any way.

No, you're right, it's actually worse than if you worked for them. Lmao. Really the worst of all worlds. You're dead in the water with out their platform, without their grace, or with all of those things, but their incompetent auth platform.

You could reframe that easily by saying that without Apple making the hardware and services exist, there would be nothing to run your app on. It’s a symbiotic relationship: devs need Apple and Apple needs devs.

I'm not sure what your point is, but I 100% agree with you. Apple is awful, and you have to be downright masochistic to develop for their platforms. Thinking you're their employee when you develop for their platform is laughable.

Oh, good reminder for me to watch my tone. My bad.


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