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Taking creatine cured my lightheadedness that occurs when standing up after squatting for a few minutes, which happens a lot at my job (plumbing). It also reduced other negative effects of sleep deprivation, such as impaired cognition, but to a lesser degree.

Same though I'm sadly not qualified for plumbing and had spent a lot of money for plumbing issues. Is that how you got into the business ? Your Profile states that you are "just another programmer". This is BTW what I love about HN, intelligent people from all walks of life, South American Neuroscientists, Pakistani Particle Physicists, Australian Professors of European Philosophy, Chinese Poets, NY Musicians designing their own Guitar pedals, Radical GNU/OS Evangelists from Kazakhstan commingling with Italian Plumbers and Nevada Hippies that worship the Sun Gods by running their website on the power that the heavens giveth.

My dad is a plumber, and I learned a bit while working with him. I was in software development for about 8 years, intermittently (casual games and microcontrollers in C++, Java/Kotlin for Android), and at the last job (the Android one) I burnt out so bad I got clinical depression which took years to manage. Plumbing to me is a fallback that is going on for too long. Pays the bills and meds until I get fit for demanding mental work. By the way, my lower back is demanding some mental work, for a change, after 3 weeks of carving out grooves for pipes in walls and floors with a big perforator

I don't know if you know this yet, but what greatly helps me when I've stood up too fast and am on the verge of 'seeing stars' is tensing up my abdominal muscles, which essentially helps push back the blood towards the brain.

I figured, if it's good enough for fighter pilots pulling 8g maneuvers, it should be good enough for me accidentally getting out of bed too quickly. And turns out it works!

How much do you take? How often?

1.5g-3g a day is fine. Powder form comes with little dosing spoon.. just do a little reading its very accessible.

5g once a day, standard gym goer protocol.

Orthostatic hypotension

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