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useWire and other type-safe routing features are coming soon! You are 100% correct that the way it’s currently being done can’t leverage the type system. I also agree that autorouting and auto-layout are critical (in the same way flex is important for web!!)

I like the idea of autolayout like flex for routing wires. There needs to be things like busses etc., feels like there is something there that could be flexed. Problem is the multiple dimensions of connections, so maybe something inspired by grid layout and grid template area?

Exactly! I'm hoping to expose autorouter/autolayout to userland (e.g. "drop your function here") and see what clever people come up with. I have some ideas but there's so many fun ways to do it so I'm cautious to sink too much time in. But it's a super important problem and I do think a new multi-layer flexbox/cssgrid could make wiring work really well.

Also checkout projects like spinalhdl, it's not really for PCBs and doesnt have JSX but the concepts are similar. Has things like wire bundles which is where the payback from these approaches really kick in.

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