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Good Ideas in Computer Science (danielchasehooper.com)
20 points by r4um 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

“Many do not consider Object Oriented Programming good”

Is there data to support this statement? The video is mainly an opinion focused presentation, there was no research provided to support the statement above.

The Wikipedia OOP entry seems to have its "Criticism" section removed(?), but there has been a lot of anti-OOP sentiment (primarily in favor of functional programming), including here on HN. On example linked from Wikipedia: https://thenewstack.io/why-are-so-many-developers-hating-on-...

Arguments are like "In OOP, every programming task is solved in a distributed system, adding a layer of complexity". So for the simplest of problems, avoid OOP patterns. Or, if having a complex problem, think about whether adding this layer helps or hinders.

And, perhaps the main subproblem arises about OOP [^1]: state and identity get mixed up, if state is mutable. Then again, Scala seems to be fine with distributed systems, as many problems even add the actor pattern on top to handle messaging (perhaps not called messaging, that term might be more objective-C-ish) between entities.

------------ 1: According to at least Scala's author

hypertext (1963) seems to be missing?

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