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There's gotta be lots of duplicated styles. I've mostly been starting fresh with each page and copying similar bits around.

I've been a fan of htmx for a few years. I was already subscribed to the approach having previously cobbled stuff together which resembled hx-boost and hx-swap-oob. htmx feels natural to me, I feel I get to focus on what I want to accomplish vs thinking about how to use htmx.

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, HTMX reminds me of the early days of AJAX and seems like a breath of fresh air, especially if you're more interested in providing enhancements via some dynamic functionality versus building a full-on SPA.

It also actually looks fun to use, which has been missing from webdev for a while IMO.

Anyway, thanks again. Really appreciate your approach in keeping things simple.

Give it a try - you might like it. Thank you!

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