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White supremacists? Really?

And something tells me Muslims, practicing Jews, etc. aren’t a fan of prostitution either.

So really you could just say “religious people,” and it’d be far more accurate.

Do we have many conservative Muslim or Jewish legislators? I would figure they tend to come from more progressive districts...

Don't be surprised. I'm sure there is at least one Jainist Republican American. Religion and conservatism seem to be correlated positively with one another. No particular group or identity membership mandates membership in another. And I'm sure there are a zillion libertarian agnostics and atheists who follow some styles of the broad tent of conservatism without the authoritarian forcefulness of others who want to limit the rights of others, on both sides of the political spectrum.

It's my unpopular and minority opinion that the world would be better without some or most religions but would be better off with the trappings of what churches provide: community, friend networks, singing together, reflecting on philosophy, and mutual aid. Although, I'm absolutely sure the world would be better without the cult of Scientology. https://www.scientology-austin.org/about-us/grand-opening.ht...

The people who make the laws about prostitution are the set of people under discussion. Not Americans at large.

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