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FWIW I used to work there and didn’t feel treated unfairly.

Though I really think it depends on the product you’re on. Some product orgs are much bigger than others, so falling through the cracks can happen.

The reality is the original story touches on issues that effect all knowledge workers. Since you have to use your brain that can be distracted by trauma and pain (though apparently the effect isn't universal, or "even"), experiencing tragedies in life also typically means career problems too, which are also traumatic (unless you're "immune").

I've seen this play out in a number of situations over the years. Myself included. Due to the high pay that comes with "senior", I'm now facing my second in a row job I will probably be pushed out of, due to having a disability.

You hear of it all the time with divorces. Deaths that you respond poorly to. I think most places give you 0.5-2 years, which I think they did. It's an issue that's still going unaddressed.

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