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> Of course nobody will care about stopping labor trafficking if it benefits them

Same with sex work it seems.

The issue is that unlike cheap gardeners, where most of the population benefits and a small portion of the population loses (‘native’ gardeners - probably just a couple % of the labor force), approx. 51% of the population ‘loses’ with cheap sex work.

Which is why, in almost every jurisdiction, prostitution is illegal.

But since approx. 49% of the population ‘wins’, it is also why it still happens, just where it isn’t obvious.

why does 51% of the population 'lose' with cheap sex work?

I'm not understand what is unsaid here or is being assumed to have a shared understanding.

The vast majority of customers for sex workers (95%+?) are men, with the vast majority of workers being women.

51% of most populations are women, 49% are men.

Seems pretty obvious?

no, not obvious.

yes, the market for sex work is primarily men. of them, the vast majority are interested in heterosexual pairings from women providers.

can you finish articulating why women would be losing from cheap sex work? which women, the sex workers? a different group? what are each group losing specifically?

have you talked to any sex workers? many of them say they've gained something and I'm waiting to compare that with what you are trying to articulate

Bwahaha, have fun with that. I'm sure you'd never believe and/or would be shocked that those Latino dudes hanging out in 90% of Home Depot parking lots every morning (and getting picked up by contractors) DO NOT actually have valid work authorizations and/or US Citizenship. Not usually Mexicanos though, despite the stereotype. Same with 50-90%+ of drywallers, framers, etc. at least in the US west/south (depending on exact metro area).

And as long as it isn't too big of a hot button topic at the moment, no one does anything about it either. There will be an occasional 'whack a mole' action when it does become a hot button, then it goes back to being ignored.

Since homeowners and businesses 'win' and low value blue collar labor 'loses', not likely to change either until Labor starts getting organized again.

In any trade, someone always gets something for something. Market effects, who gets what for how much, etc. are what I’m talking about.

I appreciate the analogy, they compare dissimilar things with a common attribute.

What was the common attribute? Can you finish articulating what was asked?

Is it difficult for you to talk about sex work and women? Because I would like to have that conversation, it was an interesting prompt

I used to be an EMT. I’ve known folks from all walks of life.

You’re better off just reading some of the existing studies and materials though, there are a ton, if you’re curious. Plenty of blogs from sex workers near as I can tell too.

Also, near as I can tell, plenty of blue collar workers who wished they could get away with working in that industry!

It isn’t just ‘sex work and women’ after all.

Sex work <> sex trafficking.

Yes, but casting anti-sex work measures as anti-sex trafficking measures has long been the propaganda norm.

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