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> keeping the government away from internet is a good thing

See, I would have agreed more with this if most of our internet infrastructures were not controlled by three megacorps with more power than many small to medium sized economies in the world. As it stands, the only valid option is to fight fire with fire.

If anti competitive corporations are the problem, why not pursue these monopolistic companies using the existing anti-trust laws? Why does there need to be a new law with the FCC involved?

And what has happened after the Trump FCC un-wound the previous net neutrality rules? Did the internet go to hell?

No, likely in anticipation of the rules being changed back.

Better question for you. Why did ISPs attempt to fake support for repealing Net Neutrality [0][1], as well as spend money lobbying Congress? You'll note in that article that there were also fake comments in support of Net Neutrality, apparently mostly generated by one individual, but many, many fake comments against it from ISPs that even used real people's identities [2].

These aren't the actions a company takes if they don't have incentive.

[0] https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2021/attorney-general-james-...

[1] https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2017/11/29/public-comme...

[2] https://mashable.com/article/fake-net-neutrality-comment-fcc

No, because California and 12 other states, as well as quite a few local governments, passed their own net neutrality laws. The larger, national ISPs were pretty hamstrung: they couldn't really follow the NN laws in the places where they existed, but then impose non-neutral terms in the places where they didn't, without running into lots of trouble.

A federal rule is good, though, to harmonize things, even if the state/local laws were more or less already doing the job.

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