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> free basic internet like Wikipedia and news at a lower cost.

I can't comprehend why you think ISPs would feel compelled to be so altruistic without any government intervention.

Except, since when was free wi-fi an impossible thing to find? Ever been to a coffee shop? Even in the "free shitty half-internet for everyone" pipe dream, the costs of such a service don't just magically disappear. Either way, someone's paying for that free internet, and it isn't the ISP.

Telecoms likely didn't deploy anything because this was obviously going to get overruled by the next non-Trump FCC. Even Ajit Pai has a long record of advocating for modernizing the FCC, which would explicitly involve the regulation of internet services. Abolishing net neutrality is only universally popular among communities where the underlying philosophy is "government is bad, and I'm gonna prove it by running it badly."

> I can't comprehend why you think ISPs would feel compelled to be so altruistic without any government intervention.

Price discrimination. No altruism necessary. Kind of like my isp offering me different speeds.

Meta tried to offer free limited internet to poor rural Indians but idealistic tech workers from wealthy neighborhoods opposed it on moral grounds since it was against net neutrality so then they got no internet


So Facebook would have provided access where Facebook-owned properties were zero-rated, leading to Facebook distorting those people's view of the world.

If you want to see what happens to countries where Facebook is essentially "the internet", look no further than Myanmar.


The internet, in it’s current non-net-neutral form, is very popular.

So the Internet before 2016 wasn’t popular because it had net neutrality? That’s definitely a new one. Is that you Pai?

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