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>Obviously sometimes when people argue that they just have an issue with feminist values - sometimes it is definitely disingenuous. But I think there was a wider moment in the Tor community - in which a lot of people were concerned about the transition to a much more professional NGO, more strongly aligned with liberal, 'digital democracy' visions of US geopolitics, and away from a more chaotic and anarchic coalition. While I think there was a clear need for Tor to change and this was as much about its place amid wider changes in the landscape of digital rights, US tech, and hacker politics as anything else, it does give us a way (I think) of understanding the conflicts and choices that might emerge in Tor and other privacy enhancing infrastructures in the future.

Yes, you need to be a toxic slug or you will be eaten.

I was around for the transition and it was anything but clean. The only reason why tor didn't implode like women who code recently did is that it has a clear core product which the old developers kept chugging along despite the best efforts of the new 'professionals'.

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