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> Monthly fees for users building on Increase vary by use case.

I am currently adding public API access to AI-powered text-to-SQL endpoint with RAG support and the my biggest issue is the pricing. Anybody have a ballpark figure what we could be talking about here? Pricing must account for OpenAI tokens (or perhaps letting them add their own OpenAI token), database usage and likely caching/rate limiting setup down the line.

Foundationally, pricing should be based on value, not cost[1] so you should think about what the value is to your customer and go from there.

Ex: I know that Gong costs a ton of organizations over 100k/year, and there's no way that, accounting for storage, CPUs, and all the other OpEx, that the cost comes anywhere close to the cost of compute - it's likely at least an order of magnitude greater. But because sales teams bring in so much revenue so directly, any leverage that they can buy in the form of a tool like Gong is immediately and obviously valuable.

[1]: the exception to avoiding cost-plus pricing is if you're selling a commodity. But you're not in that boat!

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