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Wow, seriously impressive. And the fact that this is the work of basically a high-schooler.

I fear for the kind of competition my kids will have just to make it to college.

This is a natural extension/expansion of the “NAND to Tetris” course on coursera, and is free if you don’t want to be graded.

The course walks you through it all, and there is an accompanying book that you do not need to buy to finish the course.

Anyone who wants to do this and can focus on it for enough time can complete it and extend it into whatever shape they like, like this person.

It really is a good course.

I primarily used the physical book to learn about the nand2tetris platform. I highly recommend it, it's an enthralling read

Absolutely true, I'm working my way through it now; it's challenging and time consuming, totally worthwhile imo.

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