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Why is Golang questionable for web backends? I thought it was designed for that.

It's designed to be more CPU-efficient than NodeJS or Python, but if all your heavy lifting is really in Postgres and other services you're calling, it doesn't matter and it's a bit pedantic. I think Golang was designed for something in the middle, maybe building a DBMS or some deeper backend.

I strongly disagree with this statement, Golang is excellent for building backends and just the orchestration of all the services you are calling is better done in a typed/compiled language with great multi threading support and fast compilation times that is exactly what Golang excels at.

This is trying to solve a problem a lot of people never really had. I've never been working on an Express backend and thought gee, wish I had threading.

Not true. Go is also made for this.

Node is awful with lots of connections. Go gives me way fewer bugs, easier to properly trace, static typing is a blessing, etc.

With a db that can handle thousands upon thousands of connections, Go trounced Node in my experience

using a systems language for a backend mainly gains throughput over python than latency. each request might not be faster but you can handle 100x more users.

Amdahl's law, it won't be 100x when my server is waiting on RPCs and other I/O most of the time anyway

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