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Haha I was waiting for this comment, thanks

I was about to ask the same question, would you mind sharing more context why did you decided to go with a single 14k main.go file?

Perhaps because we’re on hacker news and not software architect news?

I would hire you in a flash, if I was a hirer and had a job to hire you for ;)

I initially thought the project was going to be much smaller.

I was happy with how things were going in that file and didn’t feel a need to add more files. I’d probably do it again on a solo project.

Thanks that's what I thought. Do you have any specific way of navigating that file or use a functions outline for that?

For a single dev, a single file is often far more efficient than jumping between files.

I’ve had a good experience with it. I’ve been jumping around by function.

In Elm in particular it is idiomatic

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