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Reason #231 why web components are something of a nightmare.

This has nothing to do with web components. This is the behavior of built in HTML elements:


If anything, web components make this behavior easier to control. They represent the ground truth rather than providing a leaky abstraction. The article demonstrates this in several places.

Well it has something to do: this complexity comes up front-and-center when writing Web Components (or rather, custom elements), where you often would want to pass around JS values seamlessly like in e.g. React props.

Since custom elements are still in the regular DOM you have to deal with this soon enough that writing a custom element is likely the time you'd learn about this.

And then you have to write many lines to deal with the impedance mismatch while you wouldn't in any component framework, including ensuring that both are synced in whatever form of serialization you come up with -- which ends up being an even greater mess usually... not to mention you also pay the de/serialization costs if you want to keep a real sync between them.

As you can see I have written more `attributeChangedCallback`s and property proxies than I'd like (which is zero).

Thank you for writing this, it was frustrating reading their reply stating "this has nothing to do with web components" as if I was just making things up for fun.

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