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two people, you and some other guy who is also wrong and doesn't know the 7 principles of coops based on his comment (you still haven't argued about how those principles are capitalist, so pretty sure the onus is on you anyway). there are plenty of examples in the other comments on this post supporting my opinion. being a contrarian doesn't mean you're right.

and re: strawman, i just met you at your level after you used the logical fallacy: "Every unicorn I know thinks leprechauns are real." it was pretty clear at that point that you weren't going to have a reasonable conversation. i apologize for not pointing that fallacy out directly and instead i said, "well you have no idea what you're talking about". i could've been more graceful with that, or just ignored you.

anyway, thank you for sharing your (wrong) opinion about whether or not a coop is socialist.

"being a contrarian doesn't mean you're right" - oh the irony

You never had an argument beyond "I'm right and you're wrong" lmao.

I asked you to respond to specific questions like: Explaining how a privately owned, for-profit org (a coop) can exist in a socialist world. You ignored it and have now devolved to emotional responses only.

i'm not responding to those comments because you clearly aren't informed about the definition of socialism, particularly the nuances and the debates that leftists have about this definition all of the time. nor do you understand what a cooperative is. it's not worth my time to go tit for tat in a debate if we're not operating on the same knowledge, and you're not willing to learn.

you are just somebody who argues on the internet, a natural contrarian who thinks they are right about everything, while being totally wrong. i call it the hacker news contrarian effect. it's quite amazing to witness. good day, sir.

You don't understand what socialism and coops are, nor do you understand the nuances and debates that leftists have.

See how easy it is to make assertions?

> you are just somebody who argues on the internet

Says, the guy arguing on the internet lol.

> a natural contrarian who thinks they are right about everything, while being totally wrong

Says the natural contrarian who thinks they are right about everything, while being totally wrong!

goodness gracious lmfao


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