Cool! I keep telling my SO that she would be able to express things better at work, too.
What sort of problems do you hope Blender can address that aren't tackled by Fusion?
In a similar vein, I also recommend taking a long look at game development engines, as they are in the same category of tool that have many uses beyond making games:
- quick UI mockups
- environment walk-throughs
- product demos
- VR environments
- best way IMO to teach coding to kids
I use and generally like Unity, although if I was starting over today, I'd be taking a good look at Godot.
TL;DR if you need to do interactive renders/movies a gamedev engine might actually be more generally useful to a coder than Blender.
>What sort of problems do you hope Blender can address that aren't tackled by Fusion?
I felt that Fusion was limited with the textures and materials available for rendering. I think Fusion is good enough for internal purposes but I want better looking renders for external uses.
I've worked on scrappy product teams that lacked a dedicated industrial designer. Usually, the mechanical engineer on the team would come up with a design and I'd come up with simple renderings for marketing docs, show investors, etc.
Most of the industrial designers I follow on linkedin all use Blender, I hadn't even considered Unity, I'll check it out.
What sort of problems do you hope Blender can address that aren't tackled by Fusion?
In a similar vein, I also recommend taking a long look at game development engines, as they are in the same category of tool that have many uses beyond making games:
- quick UI mockups - environment walk-throughs - product demos - VR environments - best way IMO to teach coding to kids
I use and generally like Unity, although if I was starting over today, I'd be taking a good look at Godot.
TL;DR if you need to do interactive renders/movies a gamedev engine might actually be more generally useful to a coder than Blender.