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Grive: Open Source Google Drive Client For Linux (webupd8.org)
91 points by nilarimogard on May 23, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Thank you. When the "DriveForLinux" grumbling and whining started, my response was simple: "Since when do we whine about things and not just do it ourselves?" The response I got back was mostly "because [insert excuse]."

I'm not in a position where I could've done this (openly), or helped. (Contributing to open source is in a contractually grey area for me... may become my employer's property, so I avoid it. [Yeah, yeah, because [insert excuse] ;) ] So I'm happy to see somebody step up and do something. Sure, it's not full-service. But it works.

So again, thank you to those responsible. Maybe now El Goog will decide to release their Drive client for Linux.

You should move to California, where contracts aren't able to enforce that should you work in your own time on your own hardware.

Can you elaborate? What ruling was this, and how do they define "own time"?

http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=lab... In my limited understanding, that should allow you to continue to work on open-source projects on the side. Personally, I generally use it as leverage to get more reasonable language in my contracts at time of signage, but that seems unnecessary.

I agree. Completely.

I'm just waiting for Google to claim the API is copyrighted.

and the oracle speaks ...


Here you go. You dropped it.

Whoops. And entirely too late to go back and edit.

Oh, the bad habits we gain from nanny IDEs.... Though most IDEs wouldn't catch it, given the ;), but would likely complain about the out-of-order ].

Thanks, though very meta.

Not to mention the ";)" completely messing with the matching brackets.

It's cute. It builds easily (albeit with cmake, sigh...). It's a single binary. The usage is straightforward if a little primitive (run it in a directory and it will sync that directory to the cloud).

It's very much not dropbox, but it's not bad.

Open source...interesting...so one could jam an encryption layer in between. Make use of the free storage w/o privacy & security issues.

The synchronization software doesn't need to be open-source in order for you to throw, for example, EncFS into the mix. Open-source might make integration easier, though.

In either case, you will lose one of the most powerful features of Google Drive, which is that you can search and edit your documents online.

A FUSE filesystem interface would be the best, so you can mount it

Difficult: the Google API doesn't seem to support random access to files, only whole downloads. So you'd need a caching layer to buffer any changes, prefetch, etc...

And even then, it would be catastrophically slow for true random access. Note that even Dropbox isn't implemented with FUSE; it just watches your ~/Dropbox folder with (presumably) inotify.

Both Dropbox and Google Drive keep a local copy of all your files unless you explicitly tell them to sync selectively. Your local filesystem is the cache, so there is no need for random access to remote files. FUSE would be not only slow but also completely unnecessary for this use case. inotify is exactly the right tool for the job.

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