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Case in point:

My current smartphone is at the manufacturer getting repaired, it has been 3 weeks now. In the meantime I picked up one of those cheap-as-all-hell-pay-as-you-go-phones...

In three weeks I've needed to charge it one time... considering how little I actually use my phone I've spent about $20 on minutes and I haven't used half of them yet.

I'll actually be a little sad when my smartphone comes back, I'm thinking about telling the manufacturer to just keep it.

I actually have 2 phones: a Nokia phone for calling and texting, and a smartphone that acts as a mini-tablet, for the data plan, mail, Skype, internet and games.

The Nokia phone lasts several days, the other one can be dead by midafternoon and is charged daily.

This is my jam, my phone battery lasts forever. I've been using a Nokia e71 + iPod Touch/iPad (no data plan any more) combo for a couple of years now.

95% of the time I ever NEED internet, I am at the office, home, or at a friend's place with wifi. I would rather spend the ~$1000/year all my friends spend on their iphone on other hobbies/ activities.

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