Your understanding's right: PDF's that are text + fonts are easy and fast. I'm concerned about the other kind, that's scanned pages. Any sheet music from Petrucci / for one example. That kind is a sequence of raster images, stored in compressed-image formats which most people aren't familiar with, because they're specialized to bi-level (1-bit, black and white) images. A separate class from photo-type images. The big two seem to be JBIG2 [0], and CCITT Group 4 [1], which was standardized for fax machines in the 1980's (and still works well!)
Personally I have the impression that CCITT group 4 compressed PDFs are displayed very quickly, unless they are scanned at 3000 DPI... Can't say the same for JBIG2 or JPEG/JPEG2000 based ones.
I'd assume that the photo-type image decoder is optimized, right? If so, how does the optimized photo-type decoder compare to the apparently unoptimizable JBIG2 decoder?
I'm not knowledgeable to speak to that, but just to clarify—the low-hanging fruit in libpng I mentioned is in simple, vectorizable loops—conversions between pixel formats in buffers. Not in its compression algorithm (which isn't part of libpng—it calls out to zlib for that).
(You can examine this stuff with pdfimages(1)—or just rg -a for strings like /JBIG2Decode or /CCITTFaxDecode and poke around).