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Yes you will be hungry but we are sentient beings who can ignore the urge to eat, just as we can control other base urges. You don’t see an attractive person and assault them, or someone with a desirable object and immediately steal from them. It’s called self control.

Agree with this. It's such a strange mindset to me.

I don't like getting up in the morning and going to work. I don't like selling things I no longer use. I don't like economising at the supermarket, and although I enjoy cooking sometimes, doing it all of the time just to survive gets quite tiresome. Etc.

Yet we just have to do those things, because we need money, we need to eat, etc.

Part of being a mature, successful adult is doing things that you might not immediately want to do.

This website is such a fascinating place. Some of the most hyper logical and driven technologists on earth, who then wrap themselves in knots to explain away their lack of physical fitness, when the obvious solution is staring them in the face. People can’t bring themselves to hear the truth

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