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>> Eating 2000 calories of carbs is super easy.

> Is it? That’s about 10 cups of cooked plain boiled rice.

Or two large milkshakes [1], or about 7 doughnuts or chocolate bars, such as Mars or Snickers, or about 500g of any random chocolate candies.

[1] https://www.mcdonalds.com/ca/en-ca/product/triple-thick-milk...

> Or two large milkshakes, or about 7 doughnuts or chocolate bars

Plenty of fat contributing to the calorie count in all of those.

I did mention sugar is probably the easiest carb to consume large quantities of, but 2000 calories of even something carb heavy like frosted cake would be challenging for many people. You have to get back into heavy fat “cakes” like cheesecake before the quantity becomes less of an issue.

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