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Open is Not Better... Better is Better. (500hats.typepad.com)
9 points by joshwa on Aug 7, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Open _is_ better, because closed just sits there. You have to wait and hope that the Powers That Be will support what you want, and that they won't just decide to eat your lunch.

Yeah, often Open is "some assembly required". But that's true of Closed as well. STFU and start hacking, people.

>>"Open _is_ better, because closed just sits there.."

um, and wtf is that supposed to mean? better perhaps in the eyes of some geek elite, but not in the eyes of your mainstream users. they have no fucking clue what 'open' means.

i believe it was paul graham himself who said "make something people want"... he didn't say "make standards-compliant features, as determined by a few self-professed open standards committees & bloggers".


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