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It's not sexist to acknowledge reality, and back in the 90s male-dominated media very much did have a tendency to portray women badly. The further back you go, the worse the problem gets.

In general, society has moved to be less and less tolerant of bigotry over time. Given that, you should expect that older media will be more bigoted than we currently tolerate.

This ignorant attitude about the past is currently shaping a trend of 2 dimensional characters in culture. All female characters must be strong and good, all males must be weak and evil. The same with racial depictions; whites are evil, blacks are good. The bigotry hasnt gone away, it's reversed, and become stronger.

> all males must be weak and evil.

Correction: Only the white males.

Those are some serious assaults without backing any of it up

I mean, go back far enough and people used to own black people and thought women weren't fit to vote. The extraordinary claim here would be that everything was resolved by the 90s

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