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If all you consume is right leaning, then from your point of view the center will appear left leaning.

Sometimes you do need to step back some.

I think we've seen pretty clearly that people do go down rabbit holes and loose perspective. Even to the extreme of taking action like loading up the car with weapons, driving to another city to attack a pizza shop because it contains vampiric democrats that drink the blood of babies. Or, advocating that Russia should be allowed to do what they want in Ukraine.

I said nothing of my political leaning, only that you shouldn't rely on some sort of "meter" of bias from an outlet. It's circular reasoning.

There's no "authority of bias" you can trust. You have to view many sides and perspectives and judge for yourself the truth in the middle.

But judging from your hyperbolic, unsolicited statements you do seem to have some biases yourself that you may want to even out.

Technically, I also didn't state anything about my leanings. I just stated facts of things that have occurred. Why are you assuming I lean left, by just stating things that have happened?

Sure, relying on authorities is not a great solution. Not sure there is any good way for any individual to do mass surveys of the current media and form their own opinion of where all publications reside. You can have an opinion, but in a vacuum it will mostly also be off. Who has the time to read a million articles, form a think tank, and produce some 'analysis of where everyone resides on some scale' compared to their own scale. This is why we rely on some 'authority'. Nobody is going home and replicating all scientific research either.

All language is circular. It is a conundrum.

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