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What are the “false” facts? Please share.

Was Daniel Webster Wallace not a real person?

Was he not a former slave turned successful cowboy/rancher?





That is describing the profession, the article is describing the origin of the term used to describe the profession. A “vaquero” is what we now would call “cowboy”, and we call them “cowboys” because it was originally applied to Black slaves who worked with cattle.

There’s no way to say the word “cowboy” originated from the word “vaquero”, because there is no similarity phonetically, nor does “vaquero” specifically include the Spanish word “boy”. (un cocinero is a “cook”, not a “cookboy”.)

> and we call them “cowboys” because it was originally applied to Black slaves who worked with cattle.


The article.

Nothing to do with politics, why even bring it up? He keeps saying the original article is race baiting. It’s a quote from a black man who runs the black cowboy museum. It’s some regionally specific history/story. I asked for a some citations and he says make up my own mind. Felt very inflammatory and racist. Like I said I don’t know if this man who runs the black cowboy museum is a liar or this is specific to the locality. Happy to see sources when there are different opinions. I just don’t appreciate race baiting being thrown around with any evidence, in this case it seems to be race baiting of itself compared to the original article, hence being a racist of some sort.

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