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That's me! Thanks for pulling up the quote from long ago:

> "With his obvious technical skill, and his "cheat early and often" attitude, Tim could have a promising career as an AI programmer in the computer games industry. :)"

Instead took a path of security, authoring the TLS RFC and principal engineer in Google security. Thanks for the flashback.

You pulled a Kobayashi Maru when you got the chance. I bow to thee.

This makes me happy to see.

Can you share the source to Nostradamus?

Or a write up on the algorithm used? How did knowledge of the prngs of the impact the impl?

I had to checkout your Git after this awesome reply. Gotta love Hacker News.

I had a cool vision for “tag play” … I visualize mini RFID records on a turn table that tell Roku what to play.

DJs have timecoded vinyl records that do something like this, even allowing the DJ to scratch the mp3 that is being played.

Serato is digital pretend scratching. Might as well use a DJ controller. Real scratching requires a proper tt and skill like Mix Master Mike. Hell, I have 2 Pioneer DL-5 and a Pioneer DJM-600, but these tts aren't good for scratching because of their straight arms, they're good for gapless playback. https://youtu.be/58Y--XTIRZ8

Only on Hacker News!

you're a wizard bro. hell yea

So what you’re saying is, if you can’t beat em, join em? /s

I’m actually a bit relieved they have you on the team. Considering what they (Google) know about us all.

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