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Article by Mary Henry. I was shocked to see how much more the extended support (per hour) cost is for Kubernetes on AWS.

Haven't had that situation myself on AWS yet, but ran into it a few times on Azure

I can't remember to have paid extra on Azure though, but maybe we did. Certainly not 6x the price though.

PS: not sure why it got flagged the first time, but I think because I used a different title. Sorry.

We just got emails yesterday about the EKS price increase. It's another reason we're trying to move the main app to the vendors SaaS because I don't have enough time and resources to be a fulltime k8s admin. The ecosystem moves way too fast and upgrades/deprecation happens way too quickly to keep up and to have time test / plan / rollout proper upgrades without breaking our critical production workloads.

AWS also recently ended support for Mysql 5, so if you had an RDS instance with that version running past the cutoff, your support costs ballooned exorbitantly.

Yup this one hit me hard. USE2-ExtendedSupport:Yr1-Yr2:MySQL5.7 sent my bill up 70%.

How long was it before the notice and you getting charged extra?

Seems like I'm a lucky one. Neither using RDS nor MySQL. But seriously, ouch. I mean, I get why they want people to migrate to supported versions but ...

I wish we could implement this internally via chargebacks. The teams that refuse to upgrade their stuff should be forced to pay for the externalities they cause.

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