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It turns out the humanoid shape when making a general purpose robot is useful because humans have designed all the things around us, for humans.

That's kinda a weird conclusion to reach. They discontinued this (old, hydraulic) humanoid robot to focus on their new (fully electric) humanoid robot.


If a robot were to pilot a analog aircraft, it would need to be roughly human shape or specifically designed.

If a robot were to reach an AED without frying it with magnets, it would need to be tall enough and have fingers.

I agree with you that there are more efficient shapes out there (like the robot from interstellar) but a humanoid at slightly shorter than the average adult (for fear related reasons) shape is the best general purpose shape because it is so backward compatible in all sorts of not yet imagined emergency scenarios.

I'm assuming you didn't read the parent comment to mine saying "humanoid robots are dumb", so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

I did read it. I'm trying to say they are not dumb, and no one is giving up on this form factor.

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