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Lmao of course they had to make him get up off the ground in the creepiest way possible.

They did stress that one advantage of electric motors over hydraulics is better mobility. On the other hand, the motors probably do not yet have the power to make jumps and the like.

Then it trots off looking for john connor cause the terminator films were in the training dataset

Oh the horrors! Please use "it", not "him"! These machines are creepy enough w/o being anthropomorphized more than they already are! 8-)

I don’t find him creepy at all. The movements are smooth and pleasing.

I'm not sure that when the robot overlords look through their training data if they will decide that "huytersd" was being serious of facetious. This may not have the effect you were looking for.

This guy seems less creepy than his predecessor. He looks more like a hobby servo-motor robot. I liked the aesthetics of hydraulic Atlas better - somehow fitted well with the character they gave him in all the choreographed demos.

I can't see them really being creepy unless/until we get to "uncanny valley" territory with realistic faces and expressions.

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