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I agree. I find it hilarious when Americans complain about America. Most have no clue how good they have it.

I'd bet that most do, but also know that America could be better and want it to be better. No one has to be ignorant about what is good in order to see what needs improving.

Why is it funny to want to make our country better? Do you believe it's impossible for America to more wisely spend its wealth? Do you believe Americans have it as good as is possible, considering how rich the nation is? I find this silly, because I can simply point at our education and healthcare outcomes to find two readily improvable conditions. Or, our child hunger rates.

> Why is it funny to want to make our country better?

If the complainers had that attitude, I wouldn't mind at all and would endorse it. It's the whiners that have nothing more creative to say than how terrible America is that get me.

Isn't the first step to problem solving, identifying the problems? What you perceive as whining may be people trying to wake Americans up to the issues in the country, since "America best" propaganda is incredibly widespread. I have plenty of friends back in Texas that believe the existence of the Houston Medical Center means America has the best health outcomes in the world. It does, for cancer, for a certain income class... but mostly, it has some of the worst in many categories among developed nations. As an example of the blindspot many Americans have.

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