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> unfair to say they don’t deserve happiness just because they can’t make themselves seek it.

You and I have very different ideas about what's fair.

Really? Do you think it's fair that some kids will be able to command historic levels of political and capital power by being born and never need to work, most kids will need to work at this point it seems until death, some kids will achieve "needing to work until death" status by working harder than anyone else while being hungry and housing insecure, and many kids will simply live and die in squalor whether they work or not?

Considering we seem to be discussing the USA, the richest nation in human history, this seems very unfair to me. It seems to me at minimum we should easily be able to remove squalor conditions no matter how little someone works.

well... that's a completely different point than the one they were disagreeing with, no?

I don't know, I'm asking lol. It seemed to me they were arguing in favor of Spartan meritocracy hence my comment.

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