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Funnily, the walled garden often gives people the impression that it is not walled but in fact infinite. I‘m always shocked at how many people don‘t realize how little information is accessible on the internet anymore. Yes, as soon as you need something that isn‘t faddish/of the immediate current moment (especially if you‘re not trying to buy something), the internet fails. There is so much useful info that is extremely difficult to find online these days.

> I‘m always shocked at how many people don‘t realize how little information is accessible on the internet anymore.

Any millennial or nerdy Xer with a good memory would tell you what the deal is. We were the first ones who came of age online, and saw what the Internet was like when it came to prominence. Now, our libraries, town halls, and weird gardens are all ash. Try to surf like you did in 2010 and all you'll see is spam; the filters work in reverse now. Log in to what "social media" is these days (after filling in your phone number and uploading your driver's license) and it's just cable TV with some extra widgets.

At least Wikipedia is still there.

No, that information is still on the internet. It's just Google/Bing/etc. who fail to find it.

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