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Is it possible to get a view that shows average price AND the number of samples (maybe if you mouse over a column) at the same time? Or maybe some info about stuff like variance, stdev, median, etc?

Trying to figure out why green cars are cheaper:

It looks like green cars are mostly from 97 to 2003 in a roughly normal curve, while most other colors are exponential (so mostly from the last couple years instead, and dropping off dramatically once you reach 2005 and older). Not counting purple, which has 8 samples and is therefore mostly useless, hah.

Ya, I'll add that to our list of feature requests. Would definitely like to put some more features in, to help people with blog posts or other research in the car space.

Ah yes, I would seem that green cars are going out of fashion, dunno who would want a purple car =P

If you're buying a Benz, it's a good way to save a few bucks...

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