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Elastic open-sources whole-system cross-language profiler (github.com/elastic)
5 points by athre0z_ 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Today Elastic open-sourced the profiling agent that powers their Universal Profiling product and released a first preview of a free and fully local UI along with that.

The profiler unwinds stacks for native code (C, C++, Go, Rust, ...), Python, Java, NodeJS, PHP, Ruby, and Perl. No rebuilds, system reconfiguration, or interpreter restarts necessary: just run the UI and the agent and everything running on the system is picked up automatically. Agent supports profiling X86-64 and ARM64 Linux, but the UI also works on macOS.

The end goal is to donate the agent to OpenTelemetry.

Blog article with further reading:


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